Twelve Days of Cookies, Day 3

Reindeer Chow
This is a quick and easy (and of course sweet and chocolately) snack. It is called reindeer chow because kids always leave cookies out for Santa (who looks like he could stand to pass on a few), yet what about the reindeer? The have a long night, with lots of hauling gifts and flying about and whatnot -- shouldn't they get a snack too?? So this is it.
3 C Crispix
1/2 C peanut butter (reindeer prefer the natural kind)
6 oz. Nestle semi-sweet chocolate morsels
1/2 box confectioners sugar
1. Melt chocolate in microwave, stirring periodically.
2. Add peanut butter to chocolate and mix well.
3. In a large bowl with a snap on lid, add chocolate mixture to top of cereal and mix well.
4. Add sugar and snap on lid. Shake vigorously.
(if you don't have a bowl to suit you could try a large ziplock bag)
Thanks, reindeer.

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