Twelve Days of Cookies, Day 5
Decorated Holiday Cookies

I was way into these cookies last year, and I planned for them to be my only "repeat" because I liked them so much. This year, not so much. I don't know why -- they just seemed so ...tedious. Maybe because I am carrying around a soccer ball in my stomach and I just wanted to sit down rather than stand in the kitchen. :) Whatever it was, it showed up in the results. Last years were much prettier (I don't know how to link to just Day 5, so just scroll down to see Day 5's pictures.)
But I brought them, along with the melty moments and the blondies to our monthly cooking club gathering last night. The cooking club rocked the kitchen, as always. We are a cool club, if I do say so myself. I would highly recommend starting or joining a cooking club to anyone out there who is interested -- its a lot of fun! Moving away from the cookies for a moment, here are some pics from lasts nights get-together.
(Risotto with peas topped with pea pesto)

(Goat cheese stuffed dates wrapped in bacon)

(Goat cheese stuffed dates wrapped in bacon)

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