Twelve Days of Cookies, Day 4

Today's installation is from Kend/oprah --- its time for My Favorite Things! My favorite chocolate things!
So if people ask what is your favorite taste that goes with chocolate what do you say? What goes great with chocolate. Milk goes with chocolate? Yes for sure -- hello oreos. Oreooos!! (That last holla was from Oprah). Peanut butter goes with chocolate? Indeed! ...Reeses and all the clumsy people who keep running into each other know that for sure. Well, I am going to expand the taste horizons and say my two favorite things that go with chocolate are cayenne pepper and salt.
The hot chocolate featured above has pepper -- its really pretty spicy! Upon first swallow, its like regular hot chocolate, but it leaves with with sort of a tickle/burn in the back of your throat. Its kind of hard to expain, but really nice on a cold winters night. And salt -- these caramels are sprinkled on the outside with chunky sea salt. It just cuts right through the cloying of the sweet caramel inside and makes it oh so delicious.
Both of these items can be purchased at Crate and Barrel if you are interested (if I was really Oprah instead of just Kend/Oprah I could give every reader a chocolate!)
The kitchen stayed clean today, but stay tuned for delicious chocolate bundt cake tomorrow! :)
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