Twelve Days of Cookies, Day 8

The first cookies I made when I got to my parents house were chocolate walnut tassies, the recipe which came from Woman's Day magazine. As I was making this two-part cookie, I had a bad feeling that they were not going to come out. As I was molding the pastry, I started to think of different excuses to explain why they were so bad....the best I could come up with was that 'flour and sugar behave differently because I am so much closer to the equator.' Fortunately, it turned out I didn't need to use that oh-so-believeable reason, because actually the tassies were quite tasty.
Because I am home, there was an urgency to get the pictures taken immediately out of the oven. You see, my dad is lurking about, ready to pounce. In fact, several of the cookies did not make it to stage three, where a top layer of chocolate is poured over the cookie. Instead, dad got out the Hersey's chocolate syrup, and poured that over the cookie. Demolishment commenced. Due to my quick trigger finger, however, I was able to squeak out a few photos of the cookies first. It is good to have your cookies loved!
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